Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Measurements Month 3!

Here are my measurements for the 3rd month since I started the program

November 30thDecember 13th)January 13th(Today) February 11th
Weight168 pounds160 pounds155 pounds153 pounds
Shoulders42 inches42 inches41 inches43.5 inches
Upper arms12 inches12 inches12 inches12 inches
Chest37 inches37 inches35 inches37 inches
Waist31.5 inches30.5 inches28.5 inches29.5 inches
Hips39.5 inches38.5 inches39 inches37.5 inches
Thighs22 inches22 inches22 inches21 inches
Calves15 inches15 inches14.5 inches15 inches

I initially started the nutritional superfood system to lose weight, which happened very quickly as you can see by the above results.   In January I switched my focus to use the system to help me gain lean muscle.  I worked a lot on my shoulders and chest over the past month, and it appears it paid off as those measurements have gone up!   I am leaner now than I have ever been in my life.  This program makes my life easier, and at the same time I am getting perfect nutrition!

Back in November I entered the Isabody Challenge which is a transformation challenge that occurs 3 times a year.  I am at about week 10 of the 16 week challenge.  I will continue to work towards my transformation.  It doesn't matter if I win the contest, I know I have already won.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Stepping out of the box!

When I was at church this past Sunday, I realized that the program has not only changed me physically, it has also changed who I can be as a person.  On Friday night, we had our second information session to share the system with others, and this time people actually came!

Being the host of the party was very exciting.  I haven't ever thought of myself as a host of anything before.  Well, I guess there was the time when I found out I needed to be the master of ceremonies for my brother's wedding -while on the way to the wedding!  I didn't feel as though I did a very good job so I have not done anything like it since.  I have had people over for parties and other social events before, but this was different because I would be making a presentation. 

During the party, we had help from my sponsors Virginia and Jeff Dawson. Even more amazing was that their sponsor's Kevin and Pamela Barnum helped out by using Skype to come to the meeting from their home in BC.  They were able to tell us their story and answer many questions.  It was so much fun!

Two months ago I would have never thought I would be having presentations in my home about this system.  I think the main reason is because I never though I could do it.   I would say to myself:

"That is not who you are!  Get back into that box and don't come out."   

A big wide world is waiting outside
However, all I needed was a few people to believe in me.  I also realize now that my wonderful wife Renee has always believed in me!  This has ignited a spark of belief in myself so that the inner voice has changed to:

"Yes, I can do this, and I can have fun doing it!"   

This leads me to the following conclusion:  If I can do this, what other things could I do that I never dreamed were possible"  

So as I stood to sing the words: 

"My chains are gone, I've been set free.  My God my Saviour has ransomed me!" 

it took on a whole new meaning!