Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy new year everyone!   I am excited about the coming year, and the new health goals that I will obtain by using the Isagenix program.  In the past week I modified the program such that I could enjoy Christmas goodies, but still avoided most of the "sick" feeling that would build up with a few days of eating too many treats.  I probably have gained a few pounds in the past week, but that is expected.  I have read the normal weight gain average is about 7-10 pounds, so I will see how I fair after today (there is one more new years family event I will be attending this afternoon).  Then tomorrow I will be back on the Isagenix program, and will be helping my mother and some other family members and friends start it as well! 

My modified Isagenix Program Christmas week:

In the mornings I would have Ionix supreme drink as usual.  My wife discovered that it is absolutely delicious taken like a tea in hot water.  I agree, and now I prefer Ionix in hot (not boiling) water.   Then after half an hour I would have an IsaLean shake as usual.   That is a good way to start the day, and avoids reaching for a cookie, chocolate or chip like in previous years.

Snack time:
Eventually by snack time I would usually succumb to a temptation or two, or three, but at least I got a good nutritional base for breakfast.  Sometimes I would have half an Isalean bar instead.  I tried to remember to take the natural accelerator most days.

Some days I would have another shake, depending on whether we were out visiting or at home. Some days were more difficult than others as treats are lurking everywhere.

Afternoon Snack time:
Some times I skipped this if lunch was really indulgent, or this might involve more treats.  Again, depending what we were doing in the day would often dictate what was done here.

Dinner time:
Usually some type of meal, most often not the 400-600 healthy guideline recommended by the program.  This is part of what makes Christmas fun!

Usually more snacking.  I was always bad with snacking before I discovered Isagenix, some of my old habits are coming back.   I usually remembered to take the IsaFlush at the end of the day.

So you can see, each day usually started out well with good intentions, and then deteriorated as the day wore on.  Each day is a new beginning, and at least I was able to supplement 1 or 2 meals with correct nutrition.   That helped me to avoid most of the 'sick' feeling I would usually get after a few days of Christmas over eating.

I will leave you with a few pictures from family celebration number 3 (from December 29th):

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